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22 Oct 2024

Investigative Background

William DiAntonio Presenting

With Reputation911, William DiAntonio takes an investigative approach by trying to understand where unwanted content is coming from and developing a strategy that will allow companies to achieve lasting results. His investigative background includes more than nine years as a licensed private investigator and member of a special investigations unit with First Security Services.


William DiAntonio joined First Security Services in July of 1989, where he helped businesses investigate fraud and even worked with individuals who were being blackmailed.

Businesses would hire him or hire his special investigations unit because they were losing money and were not sure why. In one memorable example, he spoke with a company whose employee filed a workers’ compensation claim alleging he had been hurt on the job. Through his surveillance efforts, William DiAntonio was able to obtain footage of the allegedly injured employee running the Boston Marathon.

During his time with First Security Services, William DiAntonio developed a reputation as an exceptional interviewer and interrogator. He specialized in getting individuals to confess to what they had done. This skill comes in handy with Reputation911, where he is often using his investigative background to identify when negative blog posts, press, or reviews might have come from competitors or former employees. As he explains, he was able to help one of his first clients at Reputation911 in a way no other reputation management company could have:

I was brought in by the CEO of a major investment firm in New York who was being blackmailed. We arranged an in-person meet-up for the CEO and the individual trying to blackmail him and this meeting took place in New York, which was one of two states where it was legal to be recorded by a third party. We recorded their conversation and the CEO was able to use it in his case against this individual as evidence of the individual in the act of trying to extort him.

This experience has helped me at Reputation911, where businesses often feel like they are being extorted by faceless individuals on review sites such as Yelp and Ripoff Report.

William DiAntonio

When negative reviews, comments, or other content are coming from individuals who are simply trying to extort or harm a company, William DiAntonio thinks these individuals should be held accountable for the damages. His company, Reputation911, helps individuals and businesses keep from feeling like they are being extorted and helps them clean up their online image as the lead Internet Investigator and CEO of Reputation911.